Payday Loan Comparison Android App – , If you find you are in a position to need a payday loan, it can be confusing to have to go to various websites to get various quotes and end up with so many figures that they all blur into one. This is where a new app called Payday loan comparison may be the ideal solution. Based on the same ideas as a comparison site, the app takes one set of data from you and provides a wide range of loans in just the flick of a finger.What the app does:• Real time comparison• Currently compares 90 lenders from 6 countries: United States, United Kingdom, Canada, Poland, Lithuania and Latvia.• Provides a wide range of loan amounts and periods of time• Allows the easy alteration of these terms to see options• Shows in real money what the loan will cost• Gives a range of helpful advice about loans and other associated areas• NO REGISTRATION• NO ADS Comparison sites are a growth area on the internet with everything from insurance to grocery shopping...